How to have a millionaire's meal
Living life when you have a good job, good health, lots of money and great friends is not all that difficult to do yet people in these categories have their trials and tribulations as well. Its when you don't have all of these great benefits that makes life a little rough but when you have are lacking in one of these plus are short of money life can really be the pits.
Its ironic though that there is so much in life that we can enjoy that really doesn't demand the need for money. One of the biggest problems we have is that we have become so bonded to modern technology that we just don't know how to live life without it. This technology most always has a price tag attached to it.
So how can you go on living life and still get a lot of enjoyment out of it when you are broke? Lets go back to the basics and see if we can russle up any enjoyment and pleasures of life without it costing money.
Okay how about the grocery bill? It probably has no room for luxuries right? Just being able to scrape by with the basics is about all most families can afford. So lets see if we can do a bit of juggling here to make doing without not such a hard pill to follow. Start by planning the meals around whats on sale in the flyers. Now lets plan on one extravagant meal for the week. Give the night you are going to have this fancy meal on a name. For example lets call it the millionaire's meal night. Now there is a couple of things you can do to make this fun. You can either plan one big meal that the whole family will enjoy, or you can let one family member have their choice each week. You could even use this as leverage to get some extra chores done around the house. For example, the person who does the most chores gets to pick the millionaire meal for the following week.
Okay once you know what the big meal of the week is going to be you need to plan for the cost of all of this. So this means that you have to prepare really conservative meals for the rest of week. Usually meals that are cheap to make take a lot of preparation. This is another tool you can use to get the kids to chip in and help with the meal preparation.
Now the night of the millionaire's meal could be made even extra special. Perhaps this could be followed up with an entertainment night which means more innovative budgeting and we can help you here with some ideas in another post.
This is just one of a ton of ideas that we can give you to help take the pressure off just a little bit of not having enough money to livelife so its more pleasant.
How about it? Are you interest in seeing more posts here to give you some ideas how you spice up the family's life a little so they don't feel the crunch of the money shortage so much? If so then please leave a comment for us. We are here for you just let us know how we can help.