Living Life Treasures

Living Life Treasures
Living Life Articles

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Growing Old Quotes and How To Grow Old and Rule Your Own Life

There is no rule that says that once you grow old that you have to give up being in control as to what is going to affect whatever years you have left. Now its not uncommon for a loving family to instantly want to move you in with them if there are some issues taking place with you. Perhaps you have lost your spouse or your health is failing. Unless there are circumstances beyond your control then you need to weigh out your options. It can be pretty confusing when it comes to making the right decision as to whether you want to move in with family, or for them to play a larger role in your decision making. Nevertheless this is still your choice. You need to make it and decide just how much control you want to give another over you. Be sure to look at this with what would be best for your own good. Whatever reasons you base your opinion on make sure it is for the right reasons. You may want to take a little inspiration from some age quotes to get you going.

For example, don't move in with family simply because it will make them feel better unless there are reasons that you should not be living on your own. Don't move in because you feel you have no other options and it doesn't matter much any more. If you want to get some real insight and some peace of mind start checking out some living life quotes, or some growing old quotes, and see if anything strikes a cord with you.

A wonderful old age quote and one you need to ponder upon is "a man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams, by John Barrymore. There is no reason for you to give up your dreams. Also if one dream is not attainable because of circumstances, then replace it with another more within reach. Giving up your dreams is like giving up hope. As you can see any one of the simple age quotes or living life quotes can really get you to thinking. These words are pretty potent, but if you really want to see power then start applying quotes for life to you’re your life on a personal level.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Quotes About Living To Spark Up Your Relationship

One of the biggest favors you can do for yourself is not to allow a previous bad relationship ruin a future one. Its pretty hard to do when you have really been hurt and you may now be at the point where you have had enough of love, and you won't let it happen again. You may want to take a look at some quotes about living and see if they just might ease that hurt a little. It may seem a little odd to think that just a few collection of words is all it will take to mend your broken heart. These are not just any words though. These are words with meaning that many famous and successful people have applied to their lives in the past and lived by them. Life is too short to want to continue it without love and fellowship with someone that you could can about very deeply.

Your next relationship is based on a two part phase. First you must let go of the old relationship, which means all of it being the good and the bad. You can find a new partner that you keep comparing to the old. If there is still a spark of love for the old partner then you will need to deal with this first. It is something that you will need acknowledge then try to set it aside and do no comparisons to the new love of your life. You will find that in time the love for the old diminishes and the love for the new increases. Be sure to make use of the quotes for living to help you through each step of your old romance as well as the new.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Living Life and How To Live Life Today

Living life in today's world is not easy and even for those that are not under a lot of financial stress they are finding that they are being subjected to stress in other areas. For those that have money problems they find it tough and are often under the impression that if their money problems were solved then they would be stress free. Although money is important it has to be realized that really money cannot buy happiness, but it can relieve a lot of stress in some areas.

Here are a few hints to help you make life a little easier...

  1. If you are having financial difficulties, then set up a budget. Even if you don't have enough money to cover all your expenses you have to take some steps to get things in order. There is plenty of resources online to help. In fact if you check on the right side here there are a few sites that we can direct you to that may offer some help.

  1. staying on a budget or even changing other areas in your life is a big task and the only way you can truly stick with it is if you are motivated. Motivation is a very powerful tool for success in life. Again it is something you really need to learn about, and we have some resources listed for you here.

  1. Finding ways to entertain you and the family that doesn't cost a lot is another key to helping you struggle through the tight money period.
    4.   Then learning where you can cut costs and maybe make make extra money are two more big factors.

These issues that we have dealt with have all focused around money, but the same applies for relationship problems as well. In order to live life and get the most out of it you really need to unleash the powers that will allow you to do this. Something that can be extremely helpful in this regard is living life quotes.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Living Life With The Rebellious Teenager

Image: photostock /

There is no doubt that the teenagers of the home leave no room for boredom. Evenings they seem to be bursting with energy, and mornings its like they haven't slept in days. Its also the time of life where they are beginning to express themselves a lot more, and it can create havoc throughout the home, and can affect every family member.

You will find that during the early teens you still have the upper hand as the majority of the rules are still being adhered to. You will most likely find that you are getting a fair number of arguments as to why they feel the rules are unfair. Once they hit the mid teens then it gets more difficult to keep them within the rules, and you are also in the transition now of having to deal with them more as an adult less of a child. Although by their actions you are hard pressed to consider them as an adult, which they still really aren't but their mind is telling them otherwise.

As a parent this is a really difficult time for you. You may very likely be dealing with your own issues. As a mom you may be in the changeof life and are really on a roller coaster ride. Then with teenagers there is always extra expenses and money may be a bit tight.

What you need to do is be sure to take some time out for yourself, as this really is a stressful time for you. You may want to consider to first begin reading living life quotes, then learn how to apply them to your life. You will be amazed at how they will allow you to feel in control once again, and will give you a sense of doing something for yourself. Your time is probably very limited but using quotes for life as a power source only takes a few moments of your time each day.

Something else you may want to consider is checking out the parenting groups at There are so pros there that can give you some great advice.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Life Can Change Through The Power of Words

Don't ever think for one moment that you don't have the power within you to change your life around in any area that you want. Perhaps you are having a rough time in your relationship right now. Or maybe finances are really tough. Then again you may just simply be unhappy. These are all elements of life that you have control over. Chances are though you are just so tired of having to battle all these circumstances you just don't have the motivation or energy to do it any more. So as a result you just coasting through life the best way you can. Well I can tell you that if you start applying living life quotes to your way of living you may very well be able to unlock the power they hold to make your life far better.

There are ways to apply these quotes though that allows you to get the best from them. One of the problems we have in life is that we just don't have enough time for ourselves. At least we think we don't. Often though we tend to keep ourselves busy without even realizing it just so we don't have to deal with our problems. If we are super busy then we don't have to take time to think right? Well if you will just take a mere 15 minutes a day to look at some living life quotes and apply a few simple techniques to apply them then you are going to see a big difference. How big will depend on you and how open you are to really wanting to make some changes in your life.

To get you started why not invest a few dollars into this great book that is going to start you at least thinking about how living life quotes can become your weapon against the problems in life.

Here is where you can find out more about this powerful resource. It is well worth at least considering it.
If you have a question or something you would like to share about quotes for life, just leave us a note here and  we and our readers will be happy to help.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Living Life When You Are Broke

How to have a millionaire's meal
Living life when you have a good job, good health, lots of money and great friends is not all that difficult to do yet people in these categories have their trials and tribulations as well. Its when you don't have all of these great benefits that makes life a little rough but when you have are lacking in one of these plus are short of money life can really be the pits.

Its ironic though that there is so much in life that we can enjoy that really doesn't demand the need for money. One of the biggest problems we have is that we have become so bonded to modern technology that we just don't know how to live life without it. This technology most always has a price tag attached to it.


So how can you go on living life and still get a lot of enjoyment out of it when you are broke? Lets go back to the basics and see if we can russle up any enjoyment and pleasures of life without it costing money.

Okay how about the grocery bill? It probably has no room for luxuries right? Just being able to scrape by with the basics is about all most families can afford. So lets see if we can do a bit of juggling here to make doing without not such a hard pill to follow. Start by planning the meals around whats on sale in the flyers. Now lets plan on one extravagant meal for the week. Give the night you are going to have this fancy meal on a name. For example lets call it the millionaire's meal night. Now there is a couple of things you can do to make this fun. You can either plan one big meal that the whole family will enjoy, or you can let one family member have their choice each week. You could even use this as leverage to get some extra chores done around the house. For example, the person who does the most chores gets to pick the millionaire meal for the following week.

Okay once you know what the big meal of the week is going to be you need to plan for the cost of all of this. So this means that you have to prepare really conservative meals for the rest of week. Usually meals that are cheap to make take a lot of preparation. This is another tool you can use to get the kids to chip in and help with the meal preparation.

Now the night of the millionaire's meal could be made even extra special. Perhaps this could be followed up with an entertainment night which means more innovative budgeting and we can help you here with some ideas in another post.

This is just one of a ton of ideas that we can give you to help take the pressure off just a little bit of not having enough money to livelife so its more pleasant.

How about it? Are you interest in seeing more posts here to give you some ideas how you spice up the family's life a little so they don't feel the crunch of the money shortage so much? If so then please leave a comment for us. We are here for you just let us know how we can help.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Living Life Quotes From a Voice From The Past The Great Thomas A.Edison

I guess in our present modern day world we can't possibly phantom why we would want to put credence on a voice from the past no matter how prominent they were. When it comes to living life quotes though you can bet that we would be adding spice to our life and making it a whole lot better if we were to heed words of wisdom like those spoken by Thomas A. Edison.

If you are going to put any credence on words to adapt your patterns of living life to then you want to know a little about the author. Now we all know that he has made a great contribution to the way that we live life today. He has brightened up our lives with electricity, and has provided the foundation for a multitude of entertainment through what when back when was called the phonograph and his contribution to the motion picture camera. Now some of you may have heard of him referred to as the "wizard of  Menlo Park" The reason for this is because many believe he many a great contribution to industry with his applications of how mass production should work and how invention relies on team work. He was born Feb 11th,1847 and passed away October 18,1931.

Now what is a living life quote of this man of wisdom that could be applied to today's standard of living?

Thomas A. Edison said…
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." 

If we are going to apply quotes to live life by then how do we apply a quote on living life such as this? Well it could be applied in many ways. The next time you are working on something of value to your life then think about just how close you may be to success and it might just spur you on a little further. If we could look back at the many times that we have given up on something how many times would we ask the questions, just how close was I, or did I throw in the towel too soon? These are questions that could drive you crazy.

This little quote of Mr. Edison's is just enough to tweak your interest in maybe there is a way to applying living life quotes to begin living the life I really want to have.

Here is a question for you, that we would love you to answer in the comment section. 

If you could have just one hour with Thomas Edison knowing how famous he is for his inventions, and he could invent anything in the world that you wanted, what would you ask him to invent?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Living Life Quotes Work and How They Can Work For You

It is always heart warming to hear living life quotes and they seem to have this unique ability to sink into the depths of the heart. What can make them even more valuable though is to take the living life quotes and apply to your life in the here and now. You will be amazed at just how a few simple words can help you live life better.

It really isn't easy with today's lifestyle being so hectic to be able to know how to live life to its fullest and abundantly. The years just seem to slip away and all those plans for tomorrow just never seem to materialize. It is not uncommon for many in their senior years to reflect back on life, and one of their biggest regrets is not taking the time to enjoy the little things. You know those rare things in life that are free?

If you do as we suggest here at first it may not seem to make that much of a difference to you. Although when you lay your head on your pillow each night instead of dwelling on all the bad things that are affecting your life think of the living life quotes for the day and how you applied them, and what effect did they have on your day. At the very least you should feel a warmth from inside knowing that at least one thing of your day added a positive note to your life.

Please don't pass up the power of words and just for the fun of it apply one of these living life quotes to your day each day for a week. Then at the end of the week take stock about how you felt this week. Is there just a little less sadness in your life? Is there a little less stress? What you have done is, lived the simple life just for a week. Now these are just the basics. Make this a habit and you will be able to take living life quotes to a whole new dimension.

Here are 7 living life quotes to get you going for this week.

Living life quote #1

Charles D Hill said…
"There will be many wonderful things that will never be done if you do not do them"

Living life quote #2

Wayne Gretsky said…
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

Living life quote #3

Grace Hansen said
"Don't be afraid your life will end: be afraid that it will never begin."

Living life quote #4

Marilyn vos Savant said…
"Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent."

Living life quote #5

William Ross Wallace said...
"Every man dies-not every man really lives.."

Living life quote #6

Adlai said…
"It is not the years in your life, but the life in your years that counts."

Living life quote #7

Anonymous said…
"If you are happy with life then count your life a success."

How you live life is best served by how you live the life you love. In other words you need to live life so it has full meaning to you. It may not always be the way you want it to be but if you study quotes to live by then you are sure to enrich your life to the fullest.

How about it do you have a quote of your own that you apply to your life? How about sharing it with us here we would love for our readers to be able to benefit from it.