Living Life Treasures

Living Life Treasures
Living Life Articles

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Living Life Quotes From a Voice From The Past The Great Thomas A.Edison

I guess in our present modern day world we can't possibly phantom why we would want to put credence on a voice from the past no matter how prominent they were. When it comes to living life quotes though you can bet that we would be adding spice to our life and making it a whole lot better if we were to heed words of wisdom like those spoken by Thomas A. Edison.

If you are going to put any credence on words to adapt your patterns of living life to then you want to know a little about the author. Now we all know that he has made a great contribution to the way that we live life today. He has brightened up our lives with electricity, and has provided the foundation for a multitude of entertainment through what when back when was called the phonograph and his contribution to the motion picture camera. Now some of you may have heard of him referred to as the "wizard of  Menlo Park" The reason for this is because many believe he many a great contribution to industry with his applications of how mass production should work and how invention relies on team work. He was born Feb 11th,1847 and passed away October 18,1931.

Now what is a living life quote of this man of wisdom that could be applied to today's standard of living?

Thomas A. Edison said…
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." 

If we are going to apply quotes to live life by then how do we apply a quote on living life such as this? Well it could be applied in many ways. The next time you are working on something of value to your life then think about just how close you may be to success and it might just spur you on a little further. If we could look back at the many times that we have given up on something how many times would we ask the questions, just how close was I, or did I throw in the towel too soon? These are questions that could drive you crazy.

This little quote of Mr. Edison's is just enough to tweak your interest in maybe there is a way to applying living life quotes to begin living the life I really want to have.

Here is a question for you, that we would love you to answer in the comment section. 

If you could have just one hour with Thomas Edison knowing how famous he is for his inventions, and he could invent anything in the world that you wanted, what would you ask him to invent?

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